User Flows
A user flow is a visual representation of all different pathways a user can take when interacting with your digital product.
Each flow describes a certain goal or task the user wants to complete. For example the scenario when a user wants to login to an app. The flow starts at the login page and ends-up when landing on the homepage or dashboard.
When do you use User Flows?
We advise you to make user flows in the early stages of your project. User flows will form an important part of the foundation on which the product is built. It helps you and your project team to focus on the logic of the product. Defining the pages, steps and components that are needed for making the wireframes and designs.
This template was created by Daily Creations.
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5-Set Venn Diagram
Works best for:
Venn Diagram
Analyze complex data with the 5 Set Venn Diagram template. This tool allows you to compare and contrast five different sets of data, highlighting intersections and unique elements. Perfect for in-depth data analysis, research, and strategic planning. Ideal for analysts, researchers, and educators looking to present comprehensive data insights in a clear and visual manner.
Buyer Persona Template
Works best for:
Marketing, Desk Research, User Experience
You have an ideal customer: The group (or few groups) of people who will buy and love your product or service. But to reach that ideal customer, your entire team or company has to align on who that is. Buyer personas give you a simple but creative way to get that done. These semi-fictional representations of your current and potential customers can help you shape your product offering, weed out the “bad apples,” and tailor your marketing strategies for serious success.
Presentation Template
Works best for:
Presentations, Education
At some point during your career, you’ll probably have to give a presentation. Presentations typically involve speaking alongside an accompanying slide deck that contains visuals, texts, and graphics to illustrate your topic. Take the stress out of presentation planning by using this presentation template to easily create effective, visually appealing slides. The presentation template can take the pressure off by helping your audience stay focused and engaged. Using simple tools, customize a slide deck, share slides with your team, get feedback, and collaborate.
Mind Map Template
Works best for:
Based on Joseph Novak's innovation, Concept Mapping, this template helps to organize ideas and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of a subject. It visually arranges all the details about a topic, which fosters shared understanding. This technique is particularly useful when explaining different facets or related topics.
Lean UX Canvas Template
Works best for:
Desk Research, Product Management, User Experience
What are you building, why are building it, and who are you building it for? Those are the big pictures questions that guide great companies and teams toward success — and Lean UX helps you find the answers. Especially helpful during project research, design, and planning, this tool lets you quickly make product improvements and solve business problems, leading to a more customer-centric product. This template will let you create a Lean UX canvas structured around eight key elements: Business problem, Business outcome, Users and customers, User benefits, Solution ideas, Hypothesis, Assumptions, Experimentation.
UX Project Canvas Template
Works best for:
User Experience, UX Design, Market Research
Inspired by Alexander Osterwalder's 2005 business model canvas, the project canvas will help your team visualize the big picture of your UX and design projects, providing a convenient structure that holds all of your important data. This innovative tool enables you to transform an idea into a project plan, stimulating collaboration and communication between collaborators. Unlike alternative models, the project canvas is a simple interface. There are few startup costs, and employees can easily be brought up to speed to start using the canvas quickly.