Starfish Retrospective
The Starfish Retrospective is ideal for up to 10 participants and works very well with newly formed teams or teams that have experienced a tough time.
A Retrospective, in general, is an important meeting the fosters continuous and sustainable development of a team's processes.This Retrospective method helps the team to create a commitment. They don't just complain, but directly define measures that they themselves can refer to and implement.The Starfish Retrospective therefore focuses on action formulated items in the areas of:
Start doing what makes the team more productive
More behaviours that make the team more effective
Less actions that affect the team negatively
Stop anything that blocks the team from moving forward
Continue doing what is already working for the team
This template was created by Netzwerkknoten. You also can see how it works in this video.
Get started with this template right now.
Agile Retrospective
Works best for:
Retrosprective, Agile Methodology, Meetings
The Agile Retrospective template offers a dynamic and adaptive framework for teams practicing agile methodologies. It provides elements for reflecting on sprint performance, identifying bottlenecks, and planning improvements. This template enables teams to adapt and refine their processes continuously, fostering a culture of learning and innovation. By promoting agility and adaptability, the Agile Retrospective empowers teams to optimize their workflows, drive continuous improvement, and deliver value to their stakeholders effectively.
Design Sprint Retrogram
Works best for:
Agile, Retrospective
The Design Sprint Retrogram template facilitates retrospective sessions for Design Sprint teams to reflect on their experiences and identify improvement opportunities. It provides a structured framework for reviewing sprint outcomes, discussing what worked well, what didn't, and generating actionable insights. This template fosters a culture of continuous learning and refinement, empowering teams to enhance their sprint process and deliver better outcomes in subsequent sprints.
User Story Map Template
Works best for:
Marketing, Desk Research, Mapping
Popularized by Jeff Patton in 2005, the user story mapping technique is an agile way to manage product backlogs. Whether you’re working alone or with a product team, you can leverage user story mapping to plan product releases. User story maps help teams stay focused on the business value and release features that customers care about. The framework helps to get a shared understanding for the cross-functional team of what needs to be done to satisfy customers' needs.
Service Blueprint by Hyperact
Works best for:
Research & Design
The Service Blueprint template is perfect for visualizing the orchestration of service components. It maps out frontstage and backstage elements, helping you analyze and enhance customer experiences. Use this template to align teams, identify pain points, and streamline processes, ensuring a seamless service delivery. It's ideal for creating a shared understanding of service dynamics among stakeholders and collaborators.
Lean Procurement Canvas
Works best for:
The Lean Procurement Canvas is a visual tool for optimizing procurement processes by applying Lean principles. It provides a structured framework for defining customer needs, identifying waste, and streamlining procurement activities. This template enables procurement teams to visualize their processes, identify improvement opportunities, and enhance efficiency and effectiveness. By promoting transparency and collaboration, the Lean Procurement Canvas empowers organizations to deliver value through optimized procurement practices.
Sailboat Retro
Works best for:
Retrospectives, Agile Methodology, Meetings
The Sailboat Retrospective template offers a metaphorical journey through past iterations and future goals, likening the retrospective process to sailing a boat. It provides elements for identifying driving forces (winds), restraining forces (anchors), and destination (goal). This template enables teams to reflect on what propels them forward, what holds them back, and where they want to go next. By promoting visualization and metaphorical thinking, the Sailboat Retrospective empowers teams to navigate challenges, set sail towards their objectives, and steer towards success effectively.