Service Blueprint by Apto Digital Innovation template

Service Blueprint by Apto Digital Innovation

This canvas is designed for services provided mainly by digital platforms.


In 90 minutes, the team should be able to map the first iteration of the service blueprint by portraying the ideal customer experience and which operating activities are necessary to make every stage happen.

When to use the Service Blueprint?

Think of the Service Blueprint as an extension of the Customer Journey, that allows you visualize both the customer and the company activities, identifying the contact points where their activities relate by ensuring the creation of an optimal service.

Key Concepts:

  • Time: average client's duration in each stage.

  • Stage: period in which the development of a process is divided.

  • Section: customer experience, operation and technology.

  • User Contact Points: main actions where the customer has contact with the company.

  • Activities: customer's main activities, when acquiring or interacting with your product or service.

  • Emotional Thermometer: emotions felt in each stage.

  • Operation Line: where the company's activities begin.

  • Visibility Line: where the actions meet technology.

  • Description: description of how the department interacts with the customer and makes the stage possible.

  • Roles & Responsibilities: define the commissioned and describe their main activities.

  • Type of Contact: describe if it is either a digital or a face-to-face contact point.

  • Systems: point out where an integration takes place.

Format & Time

Filling this canvas can be either an individual or a collaborative activity. In case that it is designed mainly by one person, the objective is to fill out every concept as described below.In case it is filled collaboratively, the activity should unfold in a timed brainstorm dynamic in the following order:

  • Each member chooses a colored post-it stacks.

  • Define the different stages of the Customer Journey.

  • Fill out with post-its every section of a stage in a short period of time.

  • Discuss the ideas with your team and cluster similar ideas.

  • Remark the main conclusions at the end of the dynamic.

Note: In case you are filling this with a client be sure to guide the dynamic.

This template was created by Apto Digital Innovation.

Service Blueprint by Apto Digital Innovation

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