Product Management - Product Flow template

Product Management - Product Flow

Streamline product development processes using Product Management - Product Flow template. Visualize stages, tasks, and dependencies for improved workflow.

Engaging with a Client

  • Purpose: Outline the initial approach to client engagement.

  • Content: Best practices for first meetings, communication strategies, and establishing rapport.

Questions for the Client

  • Purpose: Identify critical questions to understand the client's vision and requirements.

  • Content: Open-ended questions focusing on the client's goals, target audience, expected features, budget, and timeline.

Data Collection for Each Feature

  • Purpose: Specify the type of data needed for understanding each feature.

  • Content: Data types like user demographics, market analysis, and technical requirements for the calling and messaging features.

Information Collection for Each Feature

  • Purpose: Elaborate on the detailed information required for each feature.

  • Content: API integrations, hardware compatibility, and user interface requirements.

Handling Non-responsive Clients

  • Purpose: Strategies for proceeding when the client is unresponsive or unclear.

  • Content: Using industry benchmarks alternative research methods, reaching out to stakeholders.

Conducting User Research

  • Purpose: Detailing the approach for gathering user insights.

  • Content: Methods like surveys, interviews, focus groups, user personas, and usage scenarios.

Distinguishing Client Wants vs Needs

  • Purpose: Framework for identifying and prioritizing client requests.

  • Content: Techniques to differentiate between essential features and desirable additions, balancing business goals and user needs.

High-Level Timeline

  • Purpose: Outlining significant milestones and releases over 12 months.

  • Content: Gantt chart or timeline showing phases like planning, development, testing, launch, and post-launch support.

Top 10 Features with Dependencies

  • Purpose: Identify key features and their dependencies or constraints.

  • Content: Detailed list of features with associated technical, resource, or time dependencies.

Decomposing Features

  • Purpose: Break down each feature into manageable components.

  • Content: For each feature, list sub-features, tasks, and responsible teams or individuals.

Acceptance Criteria for a User Story

  • Purpose: Define clear criteria for evaluating whether a user story is complete.

  • Content: Specific, measurable criteria for one user story, demonstrating what success looks like for that feature.

This template was created by Mark V. Smetanin.

Product Management - Product Flow

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