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Financial Presentation Template

Use this Financial Statement Presentation Template to create a complete overview of your organization's current financial status and future objectives.

About the Financial Presentation Template

This Financial Presentation Template provides effective formatting, structure, and organization for a corporate financial presentation. Use it to show your company’s current financial status and its progress toward future financial objectives. 

What is a financial presentation?

Every organization needs to keep a stringent record of its financial accounts over time. A financial statement presentation informs relevant team members of a company’s economic situation and updates them on the status of reaching fiscal targets.

Companies that hold monthly, seasonal, and annual financial presentations will have a much better grasp of their financial health. This helps with financial decision-making and ensures that funds flow in the direction they are needed most.

For example, an organization may be spending a large amount of money on advertising, while other areas like customer support suffer due to a lack of funds. 

A financial presentation sheds light on irregularities. It also ensures that cash flow is being distributed effectively.

What should a financial presentation include?

A financial presentation should include a multi-tier analysis of a company’s financial situation. It should clarify fiscal goals, solutions, and objectives for the upcoming year or other stipulated length of time. 

The more thorough and meticulous a financial presentation is, the more efficiently a company can use its access to funds. Using a Financial Presentation Template can help bring necessary structure and formality to the presentation, ensuring that no information gets overlooked. 

In order to give a successful financial presentation, there are several key elements that must be included. Some of them are: 

  • Salary, benefits, and tax costs

  • Long and short-term liabilities

  • Revenue and comprehensive income

  • Financial statements, such as the profit and loss and cash flow statements

  • Equity and assets

  • Future financial goals and objectives

A financial statement presentation aims to take a hard look at a company’s spending and earning patterns on every level. Based on these business insights, the team can assess whether these patterns are cohesive and sustainable. 

There are almost always some fiscal areas that need an improved approach, which is why these presentations are so important. Once a company is aware of its financial inconsistencies, it can start to take conscious steps toward a more economically sustainable system. 

Poor cash flow management is one of the most common causes of failure in the corporate world. Whether your company is a start-up or an international franchise, having a grasp of your company’s financials is the key to leading a successful business in the long term.

Tips for a successful financial presentation

Just like with any presentation, there are certain guidelines you can follow to make it more stimulating for your audience. 

Here are some helpful tips for giving a financial presentation: 

  • Come prepared – The financial information you present to your audience needs to be accurate, thorough, and comprehensive. It should cover a wide variety of financial elements and communicate a strong understanding of fiscal patterns.

  • Be concise – Not everyone understands financial jargon, so try to use accessible language in your financial reporting. Be as straightforward and concise as possible, and use illustrative examples to avoid confusing your audience.

  • Listen as much as you talk – In any presentation, there needs to be some level of give and take. Your audience is bound to have questions or concerns, so make sure you allow some time for feedback before the presentation concludes.

  • Use visuals – Not everyone is an auditory learner, nor does everyone know how to interpret raw data. Using visuals in tandem with factoids can dramatically improve how much your audience understands what you are talking about. 

Financial data and presentations tend to have a reputation for being boring and hard to grasp. But with visually-stimulating charts, your audience will hang on your every word — and number.

How to use the Financial Presentation Template

The Financial Presentation Template by Miro is designed to be straightforward, and easy to use. Teams from any business sector can utilize Miro’s templates for a direct and effective approach to giving presentations. 

Complete with helpful slides, formatting, and customizable elements, Miro’s Financial Presentation Template makes it simple to get started. Create a thorough and professional financial presentation for any audience, from marketing to economics. Here’s how to use it:

1) Fill in your template  

The Financial Presentation Template contains blank slides that can be filled in with information relevant to your company. The structure is there — all you need to do is gather relevant data around your company’s financials and insert them into the template. 

2) Edit and customize your template 

Miro’s templates are fully customizable, so you can curate your presentation exactly as you like. With the features that come alongside this template, feel free to add, remove, or change slides at will. 

3) Use presentation mode

Presentation mode helps you present your finances without a glitch. This feature allows you to set up the frames in a more accessible way while presenting your slides in full-screen mode. Once you’ve started your presentation, navigate between the slides using arrow icons or keys.

4) Share with your team

Collaborate with other team members by easily giving the relevant people access to your financial presentation. To share your presentation, invite collaborators from your dashboard, or invite team members via a private link. It’s also simple to keep your financial presentation confidential by setting up access rights.

FAQs about the Financial Statement Presentation

How long should a financial presentation be?

The average financial presentation can go on for anywhere between 20 minutes and 1 hour. While keeping things brief and to the point, your team should take however long it needs to deliver information accurately.

How do you make a financial presentation interesting?

Like any other business presentation, you can use ice-breakers, analogies, and visual charts to enhance the audience’s learning experience. The more stimulating and energized your presentation is, the more effective its message will be.

How do you present financials to employees?

To present your company’s financials to employees, use accessible language and visual aids and be open to plenty of questions and feedback. Not everyone is built with an innate understanding of economics, so enter the discussion with patience and an open mind.

Financial Presentation Template

Get started with this template right now.