Empathy Map [Research]
Empathy mapping is a deep dive into a user's thoughts, motivations and feelings.
We use an empathy map to articulate what we know about a particular type of user, to understand them, and to help stakeholders understand them.
We can use an empathy map to understand the reasons behind why users interact with a product or service in a certain way.
This template was created by Absurd.
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Discovery Interviews Template
Works best for:
Design, UX
The Discovery Interviews Template is a powerful tool that allows you to delve into a topic from different angles and gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives. By conducting interviews using this template, you can uncover valuable insights and uncover new information that can help you make informed decisions. Whether you are a researcher, product manager, or simply curious about a specific topic, the Discovery Interviews Template is an essential resource for anyone looking to explore a subject in depth.
System Flowchart Template
The System Flowchart Template is a visual representation of the structure and organization of a concept, system, or solution. It helps teams understand how different components interact to form a functional system by focusing on the overall arrangement of elements rather than specific details. Symbolic drawings are used to illustrate the basic parts and their relationships in the diagram.
Journey Map To Plot the Customer Experience
Works best for:
Customer Journey Map
A journey is a tool to map out the customer experience of (a part of) your product/service in a visual way.
Presentation Template
Works best for:
Presentations, Education
At some point during your career, you’ll probably have to give a presentation. Presentations typically involve speaking alongside an accompanying slide deck that contains visuals, texts, and graphics to illustrate your topic. Take the stress out of presentation planning by using this presentation template to easily create effective, visually appealing slides. The presentation template can take the pressure off by helping your audience stay focused and engaged. Using simple tools, customize a slide deck, share slides with your team, get feedback, and collaborate.
Design Research Template
Works best for:
UX Design, Design Thinking, Desk Research
A design research map is a grid framework showing the relationship between two key intersections in research methodologies: mindset and approach. Design research maps encourage your team or clients to develop new business strategies using generative design thinking. Originally designed by academic Liz Sanders, the framework is meant to resolve confusion or overlap between research and design methods. Whether your team is in problem-solving or problem space definition mode, using a research design template can help you consider the collective value of many unrelated practices.
Job Map Template
Works best for:
Design, Desk Research, Mapping
Want to truly understand your consumers’ mindset? Take a look at things from their perspective — by identifying the “jobs” they need to accomplish and exploring what would make them “hire” or “fire” a product or service like yours. Ideal for UX researchers, job mapping is a staged process that gives you that POV by breaking the “jobs” down step by step, so you can ultimately offer something unique, useful, and different from your competitors. This template makes it easy to create a detailed, comprehensive job map.