Diary Template
Document personal experiences using text and images with the Diary Template.
About the Diary Template
The Diary Template is a valuable research tool for documenting experiences with a particular product, service, or subject over an extended period of time. It allows for a more thoughtful and deliberate reflection, enabling people to express emotions and viewpoints that may not have been conveyed in real-time interactions.
Journaling with the template provides a profound and in-depth understanding of people's internal processes that other research methods may not achieve. The reflective and introspective nature of journaling encourages people to share deep and insightful responses, resulting in a more comprehensive analysis of the subject being studied.
Benefits of using the template
Acquire knowledge gradually.
Unveil people's thoughts and emotions.
Enhance your understanding and compassion towards others.
How to use the template in Miro
Direct participants to record their name and the date on their journal entry
Jot down thoughts about the morning hours. Share related pictures.
Jot down thoughts about the afternoon hours. Share related pictures.
Jot down thoughts about the nighttime hours. Share related pictures.
Add a journal entry that includes a recap of the day's positives and negatives.
Lock down a topic to evolve.
Decide on the duration of your speech.
Invite a group of stakeholders to participate.
Request participants to submit journal entries to you.
Useful tips
Make a duplicate of the journal template for each daily entry.
Send regular prompts to create journal entries.
Motivate people to journal using their mobile devices.
Get started with this template right now.
Stakeholder Empathy Map by IASA
Works best for:
Market Research, Research & Design
Stakeholder Empathy Map Template is designed to understand the perspectives of stakeholders. It helps you capture their needs, concerns, and motivations, ensuring your projects align with stakeholder expectations and foster better collaboration.
UX Project Canvas Template
Works best for:
User Experience, UX Design, Market Research
Inspired by Alexander Osterwalder's 2005 business model canvas, the project canvas will help your team visualize the big picture of your UX and design projects, providing a convenient structure that holds all of your important data. This innovative tool enables you to transform an idea into a project plan, stimulating collaboration and communication between collaborators. Unlike alternative models, the project canvas is a simple interface. There are few startup costs, and employees can easily be brought up to speed to start using the canvas quickly.
Customer Journey Map Template
Works best for:
Ideation, Mapping, Product Management
A customer journey map (CJM) is a visual representation of your customer’s experience. It allows you to capture the path that a customer follows when they buy a product, sign up for a service, or otherwise interact with your site. Most maps include a specific persona, outlines their customer experience from beginning to end, and captures the potential emotional highs and lows of interacting with the product or service. Use this template to easily create customer journey maps for projects of all kinds.
Practical Customer Journey Mapping by Alex Gilev
Works best for:
Customer Journey Map
Today, customers hold companies to high standards for product quality and user experience.
Rose Thorn Bud Template
The Rose Thorn Bud Template offers a color-coded approach to examining data and structuring problems. The team is instructed to approach each situation thoroughly, methodically, and analytically. They are motivated to identify a positive experience (pink), a negative experience (purple), and a promising goal or insight (green). Identifying Roses, Thorns, and Buds helps in gaining a better understanding of one's challenges.
Official 5-Day Design Sprint
Works best for:
Design, Desk Research, Sprint Planning
The goal of a Design Sprint is to build and test a prototype in just five days. You'll take a small team, clear the schedule for a week, and rapidly progress from problem to tested solution using a proven step-by-step checklist. Steph Cruchon of Design Sprint created this template for Miro in collaboration with design sprint gurus at Google. This Design Sprint template is designed specifically for remote sprints so you can run productive and efficient sprints with colleagues around the world.