Collaborative Prototyping Template
Quickly prototype a new concept with the Collaborative Prototyping Template.
About the Collaborative Prototyping Template
Rapid prototyping is an essential process in the development of innovative solutions. It involves creating low-fidelity yet functional models that efficiently test concepts and solutions. This process helps minimize time and financial investments by identifying potential issues early in the development cycle.
The Collaborative Prototyping Template is a powerful tool that can help you quickly generate concepts and validate ideas. It provides a framework for creating prototypes to share with your team, allowing for collaborative feedback and iteration.
Benefits of using the template
Encourage a collective understanding of the future.
Support quick idea validation.
Minimize costs through early detection.
Enable iterative refinements.
How to use the template in Miro
Identify your format: Horizontal for presentations and websites; vertical for apps.
Create a visual representation of the scenario or flow you want to prototype. Add additional steps if necessary.
Visualize each stage with authentic details and a clean aesthetic.
Use all the available tools to illustrate your idea.
Add buttons and links.
Give it a trial run to ensure all the links are functional and coherent.
Generate a concept for development.
Gather your team.
Reflect on the desired insights from the prototype.
Useful tips
Be iterative, but avoid overdoing it.
Replicate basic click-through behavior.
Generate personalized links using text and the Icons tool.
Get started with this template right now.
Storyboard for Educational Purposes Template
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The Storyboard for Educational Purposes template streamlines course creation by organizing content into scripts, screen text, and production notes. This template fosters collaboration among instructional designers and stakeholders, ensuring effective and engaging training modules. Perfect for educators and trainers, it enhances clarity, collects feedback, and improves overall learning outcomes by making content creation systematic and transparent.
Storyboard for Product Development Template
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Plan your product’s journey from concept to market with the Storyboard for Product Development template. It outlines every stage of development, including ideation, research, design, testing, and launch. This template promotes clarity, resource planning, and effective communication across teams, making it perfect for product managers and developers who need a comprehensive roadmap to bring innovative ideas to life.
Practical Customer Journey Mapping by Alex Gilev
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Customer Journey Map
Today, customers hold companies to high standards for product quality and user experience.
Customer Journey Map Template
Works best for:
Ideation, Mapping, Product Management
A customer journey map (CJM) is a visual representation of your customer’s experience. It allows you to capture the path that a customer follows when they buy a product, sign up for a service, or otherwise interact with your site. Most maps include a specific persona, outlines their customer experience from beginning to end, and captures the potential emotional highs and lows of interacting with the product or service. Use this template to easily create customer journey maps for projects of all kinds.
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Market Research, Research & Design
Purple Sector Empathy Map is an innovative tool for exploring user experiences. By visualizing users' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you can create more engaging and user-friendly products. Ideal for teams focused on user experience.
Online Sketching Template
Works best for:
UX Design, Desk Research, Design Thinking
Before you go full steam ahead with a promising idea, look at it from a high level — to know how it functions and how well it meets your goals. That’s what sketches do. This template gives you a powerful remote collaboration tool for the initial stages of prototyping, whether you’re sketching out web pages and mobile apps, designing logos, or planning events. Then you can easily share your sketch with your team, and save each stage of your sketch before changing it and building on it.