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Annual Report Presentation Template

Prepare an engaging annual report presentation in half the time.

About the Annual Report Presentation Template 

An Annual Report Presentation Template is a structured framework that you can use to quickly create your annual report presentation for shareholders.

So much information needs to be presented in an annual report. This is made easier thanks to this template and ready-to-customize graphics. All you need is your data, and you’ll be ready to customize the Annual Report Presentation Template to create your presentation in half the time.

What should be included in an annual report presentation? 

The specifics of what to include in an annual report presentation may vary depending on your industry and company size. Here’s a guideline to follow for most annual report presentations:

  • Background information: A thorough annual report presentation should explain the company’s vision. But it should also break down the strategic approach in place to achieve that vision.

  • Highlights and challenges: What were the biggest highlights of the year? What about the biggest wins? And what challenges did the company have to overcome? You can also include investor news, investor alerts, and other important information.

  • Financial section: The financial section is one of the most important parts of your annual report presentation. Make sure to include any data and financial statements about company performance, revenue breakdown, growth, charts and figures, and anything else shareholders need to know to get the full picture of the company’s financial year.

  • Future plans: What’s in store for the next few years? Wrap up every annual report presentation with financial projections, market and competitor analyses, and any other vital information about the future of the company.

Use your judgment to add any additional information you need to make your investor presentation feel complete.

Tips for delivering a successful annual report presentation 

An annual report presentation can significantly impact a company, so you should prepare it carefully before you present it to shareholders. Here’s how to deliver a well-structured annual report presentation.

  • Take advantage of graphics to showcase numbers: Annual report presentations contain a heavy amount of financial information. If you showcase this information either verbally or in large paragraphs of text, your audience may struggle to get what they need out of your presentation. Instead, use graphics and charts to present your most important numerical data in an easy-to-digest format. All members of your audience will understand your data at a glance instead of having to process complex sentences.

  • Use less text and more visuals: The saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ is true, especially for annual report presentations. Too much text will weigh your slides down and take more time for your audience to digest your information. Your annual report presentation slides should be a visual aid to your spoken word, not a replacement. 

  • Showcase the benefits of investing in the company: The purpose of an annual report presentation is to keep shareholders informed and satisfied that their investment is safe with the company. Structure your presentation in a way that clearly explains why shareholders should hold their investment and also why they should continue to invest more into the company. 

  • Tell a story throughout the presentation: Data on its own can be a bit dry. Make your annual report more engaging by using your facts to tell a story. Stories have plots, characters, conflicts, themes, and settings. Position your shareholders as the protagonists and your competitors as the antagonists of your story. When you explain what’s in store for the future of the company, this should “resolve” the story and leave your audience with a sense of hope.

Tip: Make sure to practice your presentation before you present it to your audience.

How to use the Annual Report Presentation Template 

Miro’s digital workspace makes it easy for several people to collaborate on an annual report presentation at once. This is an important feature since you’ll likely need the input of more than one person to get the data you need.

To begin, select the template on this page and follow these steps to customize it for your annual report presentation:

  1. Gather the data for your annual report: Before you start customizing the presentation, make sure to have all the data you need on hand. This will require quite a bit of work on your end. However, creating your presentation will be much easier if you have all your information in one place.

  2. Create a rough outline: Don’t worry about making the details perfect yet. Start by creating frames on your board to outline your presentation. Frames will act as your slides when it’s time to present. You can easily drag and drop frames to change the order of the outline as you go.

  3. Customize the Annual Report Presentation Template: Your template comes fully loaded with sample graphics and charts. Use your data to populate the template and change the colors, fonts, and other visual elements to fit with your company’s brand. 

  4. Get internal feedback before the presentation: Invite stakeholders to your board to get feedback before you make your final edits. You can host a collaborative meeting to get live feedback.

  5. Deliver the presentation using presentation mode: No need to export your frames — you can use Miro’s Presentation mode to present your annual report presentation without leaving your board. 

FAQs about the Annual Report Presentation Template

What is the most important section of an annual report presentation?

An annual report presentation should put shareholders’ minds at ease. Once your presentation is over, they should know their investment is safe with the company. That’s why the most important section of your presentation is information on whether the company made a profit or loss during the previous fiscal year — and how this impacts shareholders. If the company didn’t meet its goals, it’s important to also present a gap analysis. The company’s growth over the years is also important, as well as future plans for continuing that growth.

How do you start an annual report presentation?

To begin your annual report presentation, give an introduction to the company. Present the company’s founders and the note from the CEO, if you have one. This information will give context for what shareholders are about to see.

How do you end an annual report presentation?

Every annual report presentation should end with a roadmap for the future and any upcoming events. Leave your shareholders hopeful and excited for what lies ahead.

Annual Report Presentation Template

Get started with this template right now.

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