WIP Limit - Agile and Lean Flow


Work in progress "WIP Limits" manages the amount of work items one person or team is working on at any given time.

We want to make the workflow smooth and predictable while maintaining a sustainable pace.


  • Helps the person and team focus on getting work done.

  • Make any blockers or bottlenecks visible on the Kanban board.

  • Teaches the person or team actual capacity.

  • Helps prevent context switching and eliminates waste.

  • Improves process efficiency.

  • Deliver more value sooner.

  • How it's better to work on an item and get it done vs starting and not completing new work.


Nicholas Del Carlo, M.S. image
Nicholas Del Carlo, M.S.
Enterprise Agile Coach@www.ScrumofScrums.com
Hey there, my name is Nicholas Del Carlo and as an Enterprise Agile Coach I have coached teams across portfolios in various industries teaching scrum and seen amazing improvements from clients following the scrum recipe. This is no easy task depending on the culture of your organization, but I can ensure you positive results if you establish a strong foundation and encourage growth, communication, trust and transparency throughout the process. An agile transformation takes patience and practice.
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