Virtual Winter Wonderland Village


The Virtual Winter Wonderland Village is a fun way to recreate a holiday celebration with co-workers, friends, or even family members virtually in a way that simulates the in-person experience.

What is the Virtual Winter Wonderland Village?

It is a virtual representation and re-creation of the fun activities that often come with the holiday season. Maybe you are looking for a team-building activity or maybe you miss your annual work holiday celebration... Fret not and get together with teammates to move through the various parts of the Virtual Winter Wonderland Village where you will:

  1. Check out the village map

  2. Make your favorite holiday drink at the Hot Cocoa Station

  3. Exchange gifts

  4. Trade tales about your favorite holiday story

  5. Build a snowman

  6. Share warm wishes

How to Get Started?

Follow these steps:

  1. Schedule a holiday celebration session over Zoom or your favorite video conference tool.

  2. Hide the frames for each of the activities (1-6)

  3. Play some holiday music!

  4. "Bring everyone to you" so participants can join you near the Winter Wonderland Village entrance (1).

  5. Reveal the frame to review the village map and introduce the activities.

  6. Move across the board (continuously bringing everyone to you or using the Smart Meetings feature) through each the activities. Reveal each frame as the group "arrives" to it. All of the activities involve participants interacting with the board except for the Gift Exchange which is an opportunity to interact with real-life objects (arranged in advance through a mail-in secret Santa gift exchange). During this activity get back to Zoom to have everyone open their present.

How to Make the Most Out of This Template?

Be sure to provide some Miro training and/or homework ahead of time to prepare the participants. Change the activities included in the board as needed based on your audience. Create additional placeholders as needed based on the number of participants.


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Transformational Learning Experiences
Talent and Organizational Development Leader
I’m Regine. I am a Certified Professional in Talent & Development (CPTD) and a Certified Instructional Technologist (CIT). I use my expertise to guide course creators on how to deliver transformational experiences. To learn more
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