Vamos a La Playa


What is it for?

Use this board to learn how to navigate in MIRO.

Imagine you and your team want to go to the beach together and therefore need to navigate through the MIRO board "beach maze".

For whom is it for?

Miro-Beginners and short icebreaker-lovers.


Wow, what a beautiful day! Vamos a la playa - Let's go to the beach!

  1. Start in the upper right corner and choose one of the items you bring to the beach.

  2. Navigate your way through the maze: Pass the lifesaving rings, oh - ATTENTION! Volleyball is being played here! Pass the full bathing beach and the sand playground ...and finally - we've arrived at free beach loungers.

Well done! Enjoy the sun!

#1 PRO Tip

Ask the participants a question, e.g. What do you remember about your last time at the beach? What was exciting/surprising/fun?

Time needed: ~ 5-10 min


Daniela Felser image
Daniela Felser
Agile Catalyst
I'm passionate about engaging distributed teams online. I show teams which methods they can use to work together more effectively - and have more fun!
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