🍭 Trending Colour Palette



This palette offers a variety of colors to inspire your projects. It is divided into four categories:

  • Pastelle Colours: These soft shades include light purples, pinks, and blues (e4d9ff, ffc8dd, ffafcc, bde0fe), perfect for creating a calm and soothing look.

  • Neon Colours: These bright, bold colors like magenta (ff006e), blue (3a86ff), and yellow (ffff3f) add energy and excitement to your designs.

  • Light Colours: These gentle hues (fefae0, faedcd, e9edc9) create a fresh and airy feel, ideal for backgrounds and subtle highlights.

  • Dark Colours: Rich and intense shades like green (3a5a40), red (780000), and blue (023047) add depth and contrast to your work.

Experiment with different combinations to find what best suits you.


Petra Ivanigova image
Petra Ivanigova
Delivery Coach Lead@ACTUM Digital.
Hi! 👋 I’m Petra. As a passionate Miro Creator, I'm here to share insights and exchange ideas. Let's collaborate and inspire each other to achieve great things.
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