The Classic Post-Match Retrospective


The Classic Post-Match Retrospective is a template that leverages the structure of a football team's post-match review to facilitate retrospectives for development teams. It encourages teams to reflect on the previous sprint, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to enhance team performance.


The template aims to improve communication, collaboration, productivity, and the quality of output for software development teams. It fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Target audience

The template is ideal for development teams of all sizes, including those working remotely. It provides a structured and engaging approach to retrospectives for teams who struggle with finding an effective format.

How to use

Review the board to ensure it meets your team's needs. If necessary, feel free to adapt it to better suit your team's preferences and working style. Once you're ready, share the template with your team in advance to give everyone an opportunity to prepare their thoughts and ideas. This will help to foster an environment of free-flowing discussions and encourage everyone to contribute to the team's success.

Remember, the template is designed to be flexible, so don't be afraid to experiment with different approaches until you find what works best for your team.


Ahmed Daoud image
Ahmed Daoud
Delivery Manager@Attraqt
Delivery Manager passionate about delivering innovative products using agile methodologies. In free time, I enjoy gaming, films, and staying active. I bring this passion to work to create a fun and productive environment for teams to succeed
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