Team Vision & Mission Setting Workshop


This workshop template allows you as a PM or facilitator to align your team around a shared vision and mission for your problem space or product. Creating one together is empowering to your team, and has far more sticking power than a sentence randomly written into a product strategy.

Do allow adequate time for breaks, as well as holding space for debate and discussion (there will be plenty!).

Don't allow nit-picking over specific words to ramble on too long - timebox to a maximum of 10 minutes using the timer function.

Any thoughts, comments or questions, feel free to reach out. You can find me on LinkedIn.


Annalaise Gibbons image
Annalaise Gibbons
Senior Product Manager@Volumental
Hey there! I'm a firm believer in the power of discussion and debate to drive better product outcomes. The templates I create are designed to nourish and tease out different perspectives to allow groups to align around common goals, words, and the meanings behind them.
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