Team Reward Staircase, VAC


Visual Agile Coach template

Why Create a Team Reward Staircase? 

Change is more effective when delivered by long-lived teams.  Ringfenced, time-limited project teams cut off from the business aren’t the way forward. Instead, teams seek to stay together, adapting to the work or task in play with no need for costly or emotional breakups.   

Lots of need for continuous learning, sharing experiences, growing together, celebrating together, and enjoying rewards – all key features of high-performing teams. 

When to Create a Team Reward Staircase? 

A set task or project is coming to an end    

Quarterly review of team performance    

Just whenever the team needs a boost 

How to Create a Team Reward Staircase (with Drawify) OK – so it is a lot like a retrospective just with the added incentive of a team reward at the end.

  1. Get the bad stuff out the way first – what went wrong, badly or just not so great?  Then just park it – for now – maybe use the Visual Agile Coach Team Bounceback template to conduct a root cause analysis and resolve any issues.

  2. Keeping on a positive trajectory, discuss what went well – taking time to reflect and celebrate success is a key activity for a High Performing Team.

  3. As is continuous learning and continuous improvement. As a team, ask yourselves: what did we learn, and what did we improve on (from last time – the last project, sprint, quarter, etc.)?

  4. Now it's time to draw some conclusions and action plans: what are we going to do more of (or less of)? Make sure to carry these insights and learning into the next team activity or task.

  5. Because work can’t be all work and no play, consider what was fun and enjoyable; perhaps it's time to share some amusing anecdotes or see the inevitable scrapes and near misses with a humorous eye. Like time, laughter is a good healer too.

  6. The podium awaits.  Maybe it's only a virtual podium, but you can still award prizes to recognize individual performances or award the full team with a prize (hopefully not a virtual prize…maybe a team event or night out).


Axelle Vanquaillie image
Axelle Vanquaillie
My mission is to enable you to tell a story, engage and inspire your audience with a drawing. We teach people how to draw at work and for those who are not confident in drawing, we developed Drawify. A community of world-class visual storytellers who are happy to share their visuals and templates so you can use, re-compose and customise them to fit your story and needs.
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