Summertime Retrospective


The Summertime Retrospective is a dynamic and interactive method designed to enhance team communication by reflecting on the current sprint's successes and challenges.

Using the metaphor of a sailboat, this retrospective format helps teams visualize and discuss various aspects of their work, even in a remote environment. By identifying the factors that propel the team forward and those that hold it back, the team can agree on actionable improvements for future sprints.

Elements of the Retrospective:

  • The Wind: Represents the forces driving the team towards the sprint goal. This includes everything that went well and contributed positively to the team's progress.

  • The Sun: Symbolizes the elements that made the team feel good and boosted morale. This is an opportunity to highlight positive experiences and give kudos to team members.

  • The Anchor: Represents the obstacles and impediments that slowed the team down. Identifying these helps the team understand what needs to be addressed to improve performance.

  • The Lighthouse: Signifies potential risks and challenges that might jeopardize future sprints. Discussing these risks helps the team prepare and strategize for upcoming work.


Olha Dyriavina image
Olha Dyriavina
Scrum Master
I unite people and foster dialogue to guide teams to consensus and impactful change. With a background in technical support, marketing, and QA automation, I empathize with team struggles and craft tailored solutions. Passionate about psychology, systems thinking, and waste elimination, I streamline processes to boost productivity.
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