Story Plot Board


What Is It

The "Story Plot Board" is a template for writers to plan out their story in a visual format with sticky notes. Targeted towards "plotters" or writers that like to plot their stories, it's ideal for books, short stories, screenplays, and more! 

How It Works

The story plot board is divided into acts with optional sections for adding story structure stages (ex: in the Hero's Journey story structure, "Stage 1" would be Ordinary World ). Once set up, add sticky notes to the board of key story moments or scenes, using color to denote plot categorization (subplots, location, etc). After filling up the board, review it by yourself or with critique partners. Pay close attention to the the placement of the sticky notes. The positioning of the sticky notes can help detect places to improve pacing, balance subplots, and heighten stakes to make your story even better.

Happy plotting! (:


BrigittaBlair image
UX, UI, Author
I'm an author-illustrator of children's books and a UX/UI designer with 10+ years of experience. My upcoming graphic novel, CRAMMING, comes out with Little Brown in 2027.
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