Start Within: Turn Failures Into Lessons



Turn Failures Into Lessons helps guide conversation at the end of a project to analyze the good, the bad, and what has potential to grow.


Every project has some element of failure. Creating space to talk about those failures and reminding ourselves of the lessons associated with them important for growth.


Complete this activity alone and then share with others to start a conversation, or use this with teams to uncover new insights, roadblocks, and opportunities.BEWARE

This is not for finger-pointing or evaluating individual's performance.


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Voltage Control
Facilitation Academy
Voltage Control is a facilitation academy that develops collaborative leaders through certification programs for product innovators, executives, consultants, and educators. Today's leaders are confronted with unprecedented uncertainty and complex change. Navigating this uncertainty requires a systemic facilitative approach to gain clarity and chart pathways forward. We prepare today's leaders for now and what's next.
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