Snakes and Ladders Retrospective


The childhood game of Snakes and Ladders is brought to life as an agile Retrospective, to help teams work through their big Wins and most-important Challenges they have encountered recently.

Full instructions on how to play are included in the template, but the basic instructions are:

  1. Each player writes their name in one of the playing pieces (sticky notes) at the bottom of the Instructions panel.

  2. Each player rolls a dice (TIP: Have the facilitator use an online dice roller such as this one and share the screen so everyone can see it) and then moves around the board the required number of spaces.

  3. If you land on an EVEN Number, take a BLUE sticky note and share a CHALLENGE that you faced recently - place it in the Challenge column to the right. No conversation is required at the point.

  4. If you land on an ODD Number, take a GREEN sticky note and share a WIN that you had recently - place it in the win column to the right. No conversation is required at the point.

  5. If you land on the base of a ladder, "climb" the ladder then lead a timeboxed discussion on one of the "Win" items raised (doesn't have to be your own). Record any actions that come from the discussion.

  6. If you land on the head of a snake, "slide" down the snake then lead a timeboxed discussion on one of the "Challenge" items raised (doesn't have to be your own). Record any actions that come from the discussion.

The winner is the first player to reach square 100, or if time runs out then the player who made it to the highest number on the board.


Paul Snedden image
Paul Snedden
Agile Coach
G'day, I'm Paul from the country where it's always tomorrow. You'd know it as Australia. I'm an Agile Coach, helping teams think differently to solve problems. I'm also a big believer in making work fun - one great way of doing that is by mixing up the normal drudgery of meetings. The templates I create here can be used to bring alignment and collaboration, but in fun ways using games, themes, movies, music. If you think it, you can do it.
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