SEO Content Distribution & Repurposing Guide


Creating high-quality, engaging content is a crucial part of any effective SEO strategy.

However, the work doesn't stop once that content is published on your website.

Distributing and repurposing content across multiple channels is key to maximizing its impact and ROI.

This guide will explore best practices for distributing and repurposing SEO content to boost visibility, traffic, backlinks and conversions.

Why Content Distribution and Repurposing Matters for SEO

Distributing and repurposing content serves several important purposes:

  • Increases reach and visibility: Getting your content in front of more potential customers across various platforms expands its reach and visibility. This helps attract more organic traffic from search engines as that piece of content grows in authority and popularity.

  • Earns more backlinks: Each instance of your content on another website is an opportunity to earn a backlink pointing back to your site. More high-quality backlinks signals to search engines that your content is valuable.

  • Amplifies and reinforces messaging: Repurposing content into different formats allows you to reinforce key messaging and ideas in various ways tailored for each platform. This repetition amplifies what you want your brand to be known for.

  • Provides more value: Turning one piece of content into many different formats shows readers and search engines that you are committed to providing maximum value through your content marketing efforts.

  • Saves time and resources: Repurposing existing content is much more efficient than continually creating 100% new content. It saves time and resources that can be allocated to other marketing initiatives.

How to Distribute & Repurpose SEO Content

There are countless ways to extend the reach of your content and gain more value from the effort put into creating it.

Here are some of the most effective distribution and repurposing tactics.

Optimize for search visibility

The first step is optimizing content for discoverability by search engines. This includes:

  • Conducting keyword research to identify high-value topics and terms to focus on (eg: Swiss summer camps)

  • Incorporating target keywords in titles, headers, meta descriptions, image alt text, URLs, etc.

  • Creating internal links between related content to establish relevancy

  • Publishing content on a fast, mobile-friendly website with optimized technical SEO

This on-page SEO optimization ensures search engines can easily crawl, index, and understand your content in order to rank it well in results.

Syndicate content

Syndicating your content allows it to be published on other websites and platforms.

This is an easy way to gain more visibility. Popular syndication networks include:

  • Medium

  • NewsBreak

  • Taboola

  • Outbrain

  • Revcontent

  • Your blog...

Most syndication platforms will allow you to include links back to your website within the content.

This presents opportunities to earn backlinks at scale from reputable domains.

Repurpose into different formats

Turning a written article into a video, podcast, or visual graphic are all examples of repurposing content into new formats:

  • Videos: Record a video version of your article narrating the key points while sharing your screen or relevant visuals. Upload to YouTube or TikTok.

  • Podcasts: Convert your article into a podcast episode by reading or discussing it out loud. Distribute on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.

  • Infographics: Turn statistics, key points or takeaways from your article into a compelling visual graphic. These are highly shareable on social media.

  • Slide presentations: Repurpose content into a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation that can be uploaded to SlideShare.

Repurposing content into multiple formats allows you to publish your content on different platforms to reach new audiences.

Guest post on industry websites

Reaching out to websites in your industry to contribute a guest blog post is a proven link building tactic.

When doing so, repurpose content from existing blog posts on your own site.

Many websites will allow you to include 1-2 contextual backlinks in your author bio or within the guest post content.

Make sure guest posting guidelines allow this before proceeding.

Share snippets on social media

Social media provides the opportunity to repurpose your content into smaller snippets.

Turn tips, statistics, advice, or quotes from your content into short shareable social media posts or LinkedIn carousels.

This helps extend the reach of your content and makes it more consumable for social media users. Include links back to the full piece of content on your site.

Submit to online communities

Online communities like Reddit, Quora, LinkedIn Groups, and industry forums represent another opportunity to repurpose content.

Share relevant excerpts from your content in comments and discussions where appropriate.

Add value to the conversation while including a link back to your site for more context.

Make sure any community guidelines allow self-promotion before participating.

Re-promote evergreen content

Just because content is old doesn't mean it can't still gain traction.

Evergreen content maintains its value over the long-term. This presents opportunities for repromotion.

Consider re-sharing and linking back to evergreen content (like the best affiliate software for SaaS) on social media, newsletters, and as references in new content.

Over time, this content can continue driving organic traffic and links.

Create spin-off content

Spin-off content takes one specific angle from an existing piece of content and expands on it in much more depth.

This is a form of repurposing.

For example, turn one section of a broader article into its own in-depth guide (like this) or report.

The spin-off content should link back to original source material for context.

What is this Miro SEO template?

It's the SEO strategy we use at StoryChief (a Content Marketing Platform) to republish and repurpose content to multiple channels in a simple template you can copy and paste.

It covers everything you need in a simple interactive checklist:

  • How to answer and find relevant topics for Reddit marketing

  • Ask questions on Quora (Parasite SEO)

  • Republish with canonical links to Medium

  • Rewrite and refresh for guest posts and backlinks

  • Go viral on Twitter, LinkedIn

This guide and template help you get 357% more visitors and traffic from a single SEO article!

Here is it 100% for free!

Make sure to optimize and audit your landing page for all the traffic you'll get!

Distributing and repurposing content takes some upfront effort, but pays dividends through increased reach, backlinks, traffic, and conversions. Key takeaways:

  • Distribute and repurpose content across as many platforms as possible to maximize impact.

  • Turn written content into videos with Typeframes, podcasts, graphics, and presentations for multi-format distribution.

  • Leverage guest posting, social media, communities, and syndication networks to earn high-quality backlinks at scale.

  • Track distribution analytics to identify winning channels and tactics.

  • Evergreen and spin-off content present additional repurposing opportunities over time.

Following these best practices will ensure your high-quality content continues working hard for your SEO and digital marketing results long after initial publication.

Who made this guide?

Hi! I'm Ilias Ism, I run a SEO agency in Switzerland called MagicSpace SEO. We made this guide for StoryChief, our SEO client, but we decided to share it with you!

For more information about the tools in this guide and to get started:

  1. Learn about content marketing

  2. Get the right SEO tools

  3. And start a StoryChief trial today!

  4. Clone this guide

  5. Good luck!

Watch a video


Ilias Ism image
Ilias Ism
SEO Agency Owner@MagicSpace SEO
The best SEO & link building agency for startups that need to grow fast in a competitive field.
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