Business Model Canvas Template (with SDG's)


The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that provides a visual and structured way of developing and assessing business models. It comprises nine essential building blocks, each representing a fundamental building component of a business model. The canvas was first introduced by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in their book Business Model Generation.

We've incorporated additional building blocks into our framework, specifically tailored to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These components emphasise the environmental impact, alongside social, community, and ethical considerations, in relation to our value propositions and overall business models.

When to use

The Business Model Canvas is most effective when created after the initial ideation and prioritisation phase, as it helps to further develop and structure these ideas.

Use the canvas before moving into the prototyping stage to ensure that your concepts are robust and viable. Continue to refine the canvas with insights and information gathered throughout the design and development process.

How to use

  1. Use the workshop template in a focused 60-minute session.

  2. For each segment on the canvas, discuss as a team and jot down your answers.

  3. Once you've filled out all segments, take about 10 minutes to review and polish your responses. Make sure every team member agrees with what's on the canvas.

  4. Then transfer your insights onto the presentation template provided. This polished version is suitable for inclusion in reports and presentations, providing a professional and comprehensive overview of your workshop outcomes.


Niamh O'Hora image
Niamh O'Hora
Educational Design & Lecturer@TU Dublin Enterprise Academy
Hello 👋 I'm an educator and designer, passionate about driving innovation and fostering positive change through design. I teach on the Creative Digital Media programme at TU Dublin, Blanchardstown, with expertise in Design Thinking, User Experience and Interaction Design. As Educational Developer with the TU Dublin Enterprise Academy, I help collaboration between learners and enterprise partners through live challenges and collaborative projects.
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