


This Mirotemplate helps to identify impediments or uncertainties in a team´s ticket workflow (e.g. using a tool such as Jira or similar).

  • often the daily routine of going through the different steps of tasks (bugs or features) reveals some minor or bigger problems during the workflow of moving a task from "backlog to done"

  • But during a daily there is usually no time to reflect on it.

  • So this board should help to identify problems

This format  has the following advantages:

  • systematic approach "step by step" and using dots to indicate and visualize where team sees bigger issues with their board/workflow

Target Audience

Every team that uses a Kanban/Scrum-like workflow.


  • prepare the board according to your workflow steps (title of columnes)

  • ideally create some screenshots from your tool (e.g. Jira Board) and use those for the visualization instead of the abstract version you can see on this template. Just makes it a little bit more familiar for the team

  • after check-in ask the team to use the dots provided and put them on the steps to indicate if step is already good/OK or not. Give them 10-15 minutes for this part depending on team size and how they proceed.

  • Encourage team members to create some stickies for explanations why they put dots on which steps

  • then let them explain why they put the dots on which steps, starting from left to right.

  • Usually this procedure uncovers problems that results in action items or ideas how to improve.


Christian Ross image
Christian Ross
Agile Coach@Techniker Krankenkasse
I am an agile Coach at Techniker Krankenkasse, working with software / IT teams and helping them to stay or become great teams. Details about me you can see in my LinkedIn profile or on my website, but very shortly: - over 20 years of experience in the IT sector in different roles and positions such as: Project Manager, Requirements Engineers, Application Manager, Team Lead, Department Lead.
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