Scrum Accountabilities Game
The 2020 Scrum Guide describes the accountabilities of the Scrum Team. This exercise helps you explore and discuss where the primary accountabilities lie within Scrum.
Step 1: Investigate the items in "Current Team Accountabilities"
Tip: if you are with a group of eight or more, try to create four sub-teams. Each group investigates one accountability. E.g. Scrum Team, PO, SM, or Developers
Step 2: Move items to the correct accountabilities on the "Scrum Accountabilities"
Step 3: Allow each participant to go through the new overview and change the color of an item which she/he thinks is not at the correct accountability
Step 4: Discuss the items which are not clear for everybody and have a discussion about the item and the responding accountability.
Tip: Look at the Scrum Guide 2020 as preparation before the workshop starts.
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