Retrospective: The METALLICA edition


Retrospective: The METALLICA edition

This retrospective is inspired by METALLICA songs. It starts with a quick mood check-in: "How's your BATTERY". Then, based on the lyrics from three songs ("Sad But True" , "Fuel", and "The Memory Remains") motivate the team to think about the completed Sprint.

How to use this board:

1.Set the stage: Ask for participants energy level

2.Gather insights: find answers on three questions:

  • FUEL: what gave you energy this sprint.

  • SAD BUT TRUE: what did you regret?

  • THE MEMORY REMAINS: What have you learned this sprint

3.Generate insights: Where ever i may roam.

  • Where should we as a team keep our course?

  • Where should we as a team change our course

  • What rocks should we circumnavigate?

  • What should we treasure?

4.Decide: What will we do with these insights

5.Evaluate this retrospective with a 1, 2, 3, 4,5 ROTI

Extra info

I first created this retro with real flipcharts in an on site meeting. For this template i used the Drawify images plug in.

I do not own any rights on the references made to Metallica songs.


Jan Van Der Burgt image
Jan Van Der Burgt
Product Owner and Teacher@Jan Solo and KdG university college
I believe we can change the way people see the world. By helping them develop self-steering capabilities to become masters of their own learning journey. I do this by providing dynamic and engaging sessions.
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