

Retrospective means looking back. This retrospective template helps teams to reflect on what worked well, what didn't work well, and what they learned. In this template, we added a few other aspects, more specifically, the equipment, the atmosphere, etc...

The value of a retrospective lies in the initiatives and actions that follow the reflection and improve the team's performance sustainably.

5 tips for running a retrospective meeting:

1. Install a safe environment. Like with every team reflection exercise, ensuring a climate of psychological safety is crucial. Make sure everyone is and feels involved. Focus on learning and not on blaming. And agree on the confidentiality of the meeting: what happens there stays there.

2. Organize individual reflection and allow people to talk in pairs first before sharing with the larger group. Discuss the pain points, learnings, achievements, etc... theme per theme, and make sure every voice has been heard.

3. Start with the aspects that went well. Starting strong brings positive energy and helps you through the harder nuts to crack.

4. Help the team switch from problems to solutions by defining the learnings immediately after framing the obstacles.

5. Go from solution to action. Agree on which steps need to be taken and hold each other accountable. Make the actions and next steps feasible so you can celebrate successes.


Axelle Vanquaillie image
Axelle Vanquaillie
My mission is to enable you to tell a story, engage and inspire your audience with a drawing. We teach people how to draw at work and for those who are not confident in drawing, we developed Drawify. A community of world-class visual storytellers who are happy to share their visuals and templates so you can use, re-compose and customise them to fit your story and needs.
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