

What is this template about?

The Retropoly template is based on the Monopoly game and offers a great alternative way to run a fun retrospective and way to engage the entire team.

Who might benefit from this?

As a Scrum Master/Facilitator, you can use this template for teams of size 5 or more. This is approximately a 60-90 minute activity based on the team size. The template will certainly make work fun and bring teams together.

When to use this template?

It is recommended that you introduce this template after the teams have been working together for a month or so. It is recommended that the team is reasonably familiar with using Miro and retro activities in Miro. This will make it more beneficial and fun and you will not have any learning curve issues.

How does this template work?

1) Setting the stage

This template covers the Retro feedback - What to continue doing, stop doing, new things to do, and additional Kudos, Lucky Draw, and Agile Correctional Facility options.

The activity starts with the facilitator explaining that this game is similar to Monopoly, The users choose an icon to identify themselves, roll the dice (you can use the Miro Dice App or you can use the deck of dice cards), and based on where their icon lands, the person will need to action that.

2) Game plan

The game can be played for 1 round covering all team members, followed by time-boxing 7-10 minutes (using Miro timer) and letting everyone participate simultaneously to enter additional cards for Continue, Stop, New, and Kudos. This will help not over-doing the Retropoly. Or if the team like to do additional rounds, you can do that too.

3) Luck Draw and Chance to Get out of jail cards

There are cards stacked for Lucky Draw and Chance to get out of jail. Customize the actions and make them fun. For example, Lucky draw could have "Have coffee with the BA" or "Tell us something about yourself".

The get-out-of-the-jail card could be actions related to learning/improving agile practices. For example: "You get to run 2 stand-ups" or "Suggest ways to improve meeting outcomes".

4) Review

Allocate time at the end (15-20 mins) to review the feedback entered and address how to action it.

5) Closing

You can close the activity by asking for any feedback to make changes to the Retropoly to make it different for the next time the same team will use it.

Hope you and your teams enjoy this template.


Kavitha Chandrasekaran image
Kavitha Chandrasekaran
Agile Consultant@Digitality, Sydney, Australia
Agile Coach and Transformation Consultant working with teams to embed Agile ways of being and doing. Love exploring and introducing new collaborative activities to create opportunities for active participation, creating ownership and generating new ideas.
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