Responsibility Check



This template is for a coach / team situation, where the team or coach has noticed that people tend to complain or ruminate on topics without any steps forward. Especially the coach might think something like "why are they not doing at least first steps in the right direction?".

In such situations it can help to show and use the model of the "Responsibility Process" to raise awareness about this mental state where people are stuck.


Most instructions can be found on the board directly. But a few hints and tips:

  • the main idea is to show / explain the model of the process;

  • this alone can already be something like an eye-opener, because people can find themselves in this mental situation of "blaming others/the environment;"

  • The second main part is about collecting situations of the last weeks that might fit into this model and try to assign them to the process steps;

  • Last steps: try to find a way forward for some of the difficult situations.


Thanks especially to Christopher Avery, see also: More info on the model can be found e.g. here.


Christian Ross image
Christian Ross
Agile Coach@Techniker Krankenkasse
I am an agile Coach at Techniker Krankenkasse, working with software / IT teams and helping them to stay or become great teams. Details about me you can see in my LinkedIn profile or on my website, but very shortly: - over 20 years of experience in the IT sector in different roles and positions such as: Project Manager, Requirements Engineers, Application Manager, Team Lead, Department Lead.
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