Project Structure Framework


This template was inspired by the template called "The Amsterdam House" by Essense.1,5 years ago. When the project I was leading turned into a Miro board monster mess, I knew it was time to take control.

Today there is no real solution to organize and structure your Miro boards in a great way. This makes that finding Miro boards can be a real pain in the butt. Hopefully, this mansion can help you to create organization and structure in Miro Board land.

This board functions as a "home," a main board for 1 project that links to all other boards that are related to that 1 project. It is for teams to find their way back to their Miro "files" (read boards) and as a showcase board for stakeholders. Because why not make a project look beautiful if you can?

Any questions? Please feel free to reach out =)


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