Product Reflection


About This Workshop

Before moving forward to the next quarter, the product team should step back and reflect on their product. The reflection they make on their product will help establish a better sense of ownership and generate more ideas as they go.

About This Exercise

This template will help you gather your team to think collectively about the product for 3 perspectives, the current state, the future state, and what to do to achive the future outcome.

How To Use This Template ?

1) Every end of a quarter, pick a feature and invite every stakeholder that has an interest in the product.

2) Working from left o right in group, identify problems you have in your product and your competitors performance compared to yours - give each one a few minutes before moving on to the next step;

3) Once you have the problems identified, start brainstorming quick ideas to have yourself and your team accountable for those problem and to improve the sense of ownership.

4) Create a very simple action plan and link it to the problems and ideas you have for a potential improvement in the upcoming quarter.

5) Once you've done the exercise, start grouping similar stickers together to create patterns and use the theme's sticky note to name them. This can also be done after the workshop to synthesize learnings in particular.


Shehab Beram image
Shehab Beram
Senior Product Leader
Hello! I'm a product manager and advisor. I have a passion for creating and developing empowered, motivated teams who believe in the product vision, understand how they contribute to that vision and are committed to solving customer problems. I believe shared collaboration spaces like Miro are an integral part of collecting and enabling diverse perspectives and making work smarter!
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