A Play-to-Win Strategy Canvas


This template applies the principles of the book "Playing to Win: How Strategy Works" to help facilitators, consultants, professionals, leaders and organizations to design and implement winning strategies following the framework outlined in the work of Alan G. Lafley and Roger Martin.

Starting by defining your Winning Aspiration and Where to Play, the canvas will guide you to the steps to define how you will win, what do you need in order to do so, and how to ensure you have the tools to succeed.


Ignacio Sbampato image
Ignacio Sbampato
I have worked for more than 20 years in regional and global leadership positions in cybersecurity companies, focusing in developing and implementing business and commercial strategies for sales, marketing and customer care initiatives. As Partner of BridgerWise, and as a certified Strategy Implementation Specialist Professional, I work with cybersecurity startups and scaleups to help them accelerate their growth through successful strategies.
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