Playful Retro


Perform a retro playfully easy and yet focused on the essential.

  • Atmospheric picture (10min) How is your current motivation to work in this team?How is your current satisfaction with the team?

  • Review (15min) Which events, moments, situations do you remember?

  • Team-collage (15min) What do you associate with the team? Please search for suitable pictures, words, icons and put them together in the picture frame as a collage

  • Team profile (10min) What applies to the team? You have 2 minutes. Everyone can play on the controls until the time has run out.

  • Team feedback (10min) Everyone answers the following questions for themselves.

  • Dot voting (20min) What topics should we talk about in more detail? Where is still a need to speak? Everyone has three dots to prioritize these issues.

  • Retro dart (10min) Now we look forward to your feedback. Everyone has three arrows and places one on each dartboard.


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