Planning for Success


This planning for success template is a strategic planning tool to help you align your actions to your vision under a number of operational pillars. You can use this for a whole company or a specific project. Firstly you need to start with your vision, what is it you want to accomplish and by when? Be as clear as possible so you know when you have achieved your goal.

Next you need to fill in the pillars, these are the supporting structures to your vision and are made up of the groups of activities that make your vision a reality. Here we have used sales, operations, visibility and delivery as an example but you can use your own. Underneath the title boxes list the more specific activities that make up this pillar. For example visibility could be marketing platforms, website design, networking.

From here you can go about entering all the projects and tasks that fall under each pillar. We recommend that you enter these tasks onto sticky notes so that they can easily be moved around the board.

Finally, enter in the underpinning values that inform the how and the why of your project or company.


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Amara Coaching and Training
Executive and Leadership Coach@ Amara Coaching and Training
Amara Coaching and Training aligns and unifies Leadership Teams to deliver change and growth for the benefit of all its stakeholders. A measurable approach rooted in neuroscience and psychology.
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