PBB Product Backlog Building


A collaborative tool to write User Stories and discover personas, problems, expectations, and benefits of the product. It's delivery is written user stories.

Many software teams describe desired product capabilities as a product backlog: a list of user stories. These stories capture who needs the work, what the work is, and why it's needed. Too often, teams expect a product owner to be the sole source of the backlog, but anyone could (and should) write user stories.

Created by Fábio Aguiar, a Product Backlog Building Canvas supports this by providing a simple process to develop user stories, starting with describing personas for product users and the activities they do. These activities yield features: their interactions with the product. Features are broken down into backlog items, which can then be formulated into user stories from the background of personas and activities.

I've included icons of Diverse People and translated them into English. Also, I've included some information on writing PBI using the ARO (Action - Result - Object) Model.

Contact me if you see any space for improvement :)


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