Novel Viewer Map


The OBEL visualization map is a virtual workspace created to help you organize and structure the different scenes in your novel in a visual and intuitive way.

This map offers a flexible, interactive environment where you can represent each scene as a post-it note, organize them chronologically or thematically, and add descriptive details for each scene.

Tool features:

  • Spatial flexibility: The Scene Viewer Map offers an unlimited virtual workspace, allowing you to extend your map as far as necessary to include all the scenes in your novel.

  • Visual organization: You can use virtual cards or post-it notes to represent each scene visually, and move them freely around the map to organize them according to your narrative structure.

  • Detailed annotations: In addition to representing each scene, you can add detailed annotations to provide additional information such as the characters involved, locations, key events, etc.

  • Integrations with other tools: You can integrate information from other sources, such as Google Drive documents, images, web links, etc., to enrich your visualization map.


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