Miro Use Cases
This template offers a deep-dive into Miro's six use-cases.
When to use Miro Use Cases
If you're a Miro Admin looking to roll this platform out across your team, department, or organization, this board will help. This template provides you the space to teach Miro in Miro.
If you're a new user or perhaps an everyday power-user, this template will help you dive into specific use-cases and uncover features you might not have known otherwise.
This template is all about setting you up for success to be a more productive and collaborative individual.
How does The Miro Use Cases work?
As you navigate the template, you'll see a "Start Here" arrow that shares resources to inspire and support your collaboration needs.
Whether you're going through this template with an Admin or as an individual collaborator, you're given the space to do some self-assessment; this will allow you to take a step back and identify what you're most interested in learning and where you want to focus more attention .
Each use-case frame will share templates to leverage and features to adopt with corresponding links to learn more.
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