Miro Comprehensive Onboarding


About the template

This board was made for our Miro intensive to help participants learn the basic functions of the Miro platform in a fun and interactive way.

With the help of it you can learn how to create simple elements, work with groups of elements, and practice creating more complex Miro artifacts.

Why use our template

While training in Miro, our students also compete with each other to see who can complete exercises the fastest. The person who finishes all the tasks first is the winner of each round!

How to Use This Template

  1. Prepare the board based on the specific number of participants (i.e., add or remove swimlanes in each round).

  2. Ask the participants to write their names on stickies at the very beginning of each round.

  3. Explain to the participants the meaning of the exercises:

  • In the first round, we will practice creating basic elements in Miro.

  • In the second round, we will work with groups of elements in Miro.

  • In the third, complex, and decisive round, we will work with more complex Miro artifacts hidden in the side menu under the plus sign.

Set a timer for 15 minutes. The one who finishes performing the exercises first in each round will be the winner!


Mode team image
Mode team
We are Møde. We specialize in strategic facilitation of decentralized teams. We know how important it is for teams to work in close collaboration with each other. We know how difficult it is to achieve this goal when people in a team are geographically far from each other. We are focused on ensuring your team creates solutions that will inspire them at each stage of implementation. Our key task is the performance of your team in full collaboration and synchronization with each other.
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