Mini Crazy 8s Exercise


A simplified Crazy 8s exercise to rapidly brainstorm ideas.

Context 📒

Design/brainstorming sessions can take hours. Use this simplified version of the popular “Crazy 8S” exercise to quickly come up with impactful ideas.


  • Duplicate the board, one for each participant.

  • Fill out the goals and notes on top.

Crazy 4s exercise (pick paper or digital) 🎨

Paper version

  • Take a piece of paper, fold half twice—open it back up and you should have 4 equally divided sections.

  • Set the timer to 4 minutes—sketch 4 quick ideas/wireframes per section.

  • Airdrop/move them to the 4 sections in the board here. Elaborate on the ideas using the stickies provided.

  • Go over the ideas with your team—vote on the top ideas.

Digital version

  • Same as paper, but sketch your wireframes in FigJam.

Voting 🗳️

  • Each participant takes 2 min to go over their Crazy 4s.

  • Use the Chikoritas and Meganium sprits to vote (place them over your favotite ideas. Chikorita = 1 point, Meganium = mega vote = ... well, more than 1 point!

  • Done—go populate your backlog!


Hungino image
Senior Growth Product Manager@Virtusan
Helping users create healthy habits at Virtusan. 💪 Previously worked on acquisition & engagement for 50+ million users at Smallpdf. 🗂️
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