Kudos Templates: Thanks, Congrats or Goodbye



Six quick templates (frames) where you can get everyone to add a few words/gifs/memes/videos/pictures to say:

  • Thanks for Everything

  • Farewell

  • Happy Anniversary

  • Best of luck

  • Congratulations

  • Happy Birthday


To anyone you want to share some kudos with


Whenever you want to share some kudos whatever the occasion

How: Step-by-step instructions and tips for using this template

  1. Click the "Use Template" button

  2. Once the board is created, pick the frame the works best for you and you can delete the rest of the frames.

  3. You can leave it as it is or you can let your creative side out and make all the changes you want

  4. Share the board link to whoever you want to contribute or you add them direct to the board

  5. When its perfect share to the person you want to share some kudos with


Lee Mitchell image
Lee Mitchell
Background in Computer Science and Analytics. So I like solving problems with numbers and making graphs. Currently working with amazing teams @ MiroHQ
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