Innovation Pool


🚀 Welcome to Our Innovation Pool 🚀

Dear Innovators,

Step into the realm of creativity, collaboration, and boundless possibilities in our Innovation Pool! We've crafted this space as a haven for your ideas to flourish, guided by a set of rules that will foster a vibrant and respectful community. So, let's dive in together and make waves of innovation! 🌊

🌟 HAVE FUN: Embark on this exciting journey with a spirit of joy and curiosity. Let the creative energy flow and enjoy the process of ideation! BUT OBEY OUR INNOVATION POOL RULES:

🧘 Remain Sober-Minded and Grounded: Let your imagination soar, but tether it to reality. Stay pragmatic and keep your ideas anchored in the realm of possibility.

🔍 Don't Delve Too Deeply Into the Idea: Keep it open-ended, a canvas for others to contribute and build upon. Leave room for the magic of collaboration.

🤝 Healthy Disagreements Are Welcomed, Toxic Behavior Is Not Permitted: Differing opinions are the spice of innovation. Engage in constructive debates, but let's leave toxicity at the door.

🌈 Your Idea Is Amazing, But Have You Considered Seeking Some Opinions to Make It Even Better?: Great ideas get even better with diverse perspectives. Embrace feedback and let your idea evolve into something extraordinary.

🔊 Your Idea Deserves to Be Heard, Don't Let It Die in Silence: Speak up! Share your thoughts with enthusiasm. Your contribution matters, and we want to amplify your voice.

🔄 Instead of Criticizing an Idea, Offer Suggestions for Improvement: Be a beacon of constructive feedback. Help ideas grow by providing thoughtful insights and potential enhancements.

Respect Other People's Time and Attention: In this fast-paced pool, let's be mindful of each other's time. Keep your contributions impactful and considerate.

🌐 Respect Other People's Ideas, Don't Knock Them Down, Be Constructive: Every idea has its unique value. Approach each concept with respect, offering constructive input to nurture its growth.

🌈 In This Innovation Pool, There Is Room for Different Ideas: Diversity is our strength. Embrace the variety of ideas, and don't flood the pool with only your thoughts. Let everyone's creativity shine.

Let's make this Innovation Pool a melting pot of inspiration, where each idea is a spark that lights up the pathway to progress. Together, we can create something truly extraordinary!

Happy Innovating!


Gerard image
Scrum Master@Ypsomed AG
I'm a guy from Barcelona living in Switzerland. I love creating new boards and using beautiful ones that I find in this community to engage my team to participate more and more.
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