Idea Bank



The Idea Bank template is designed to facilitate idea gathering and team brainstorming.

It can be used for one-time sessions or continuously over a longer period to develop and exchange ideas.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Build Your Team on the Gathering Board:

    • Create a frame for each team member (e.g., four frames for a four-member team).

    • Each frame includes eight sticky notes by default.

    • Add a photo or avatar of each team member to their respective frames for identification.

  2. Brainstorming Session:

    1. Use the Gathering Board for brainstorming.

    2. Set a timer using the Miro Timer function to manage the brainstorming session duration.

    3. Each team member writes their ideas on the yellow sticky notes within their frame.

  3. Idea Selection:

    • After brainstorming, discuss the ideas as a team.

    • Idea owners can explain their ideas to the team.

    • Optionally, use the Miro Voting function to vote on ideas (available on selected plans).

  4. Move to the Selection Board:

    • Drag selected ideas from the Gathering Board to the Selection Board.

    • Elaborate on each selected idea in more detail.

    • Assign different colored sticky notes to each team member (found on the left side of the board).

    • Team members add detailed points under the main idea using their assigned sticky notes.

    • Other team members can also contribute to any main idea if they have useful input.

  5. Defining the Idea:

    • Move to the Definition Board.

    • The Idea Owner explains how to execute the main idea, including strategies, planning, processes, limitations, and potential blockers.

    • Other team members can contribute additional ideas using red sticky notes.

    • Ensure to click "show author" on red sticky notes to display the contributor's name.

  6. Using the Kanban Board:

    • Transfer the defined ideas to the Kanban Board section on the right side of the Definition Board.

    • Use the To Do section to add team members' names for each swimlane.

    • Write detailed descriptions on the activity cards, including title, color, status, and assignee.

    • Add descriptions to the cards for future reference and progress tracking.

  7. Continuous Usage or Conclusion:

    • If the session is continuous, you can return to any step in future sessions to add or refine ideas.

    • If it's a one-time session, you may remove the Selected Ideas Kanban from the board after the session concludes.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Idea Bank template to brainstorm, select, and develop ideas with your team.


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