Icebreaker - Desert Island Discs


Desert Island Discs... Imagine you're a castaway on a desert island

How to run this activity:

Before the session:

  • Update the text on blue rectangles with the participants' names (don't forget to lock them once you have done this!)

During the session:

  • Share the "Icebreaker Inspo" and history of the Desert Island Discs radio programme (Optional)

  • Explain to participants they should imagine they are castaway on a desert island and they can take 1 book, 1 record/album and 1 luxury item. Set a 5 minute timer for participants to share their answers on sticky notes

  • Once everyone has finished brainstorming, give each participant a couple of minutes to share their selections and the reasons for their choices

After the session:

  • Keep the connection going! Update the responses on the sticky notes using the "Link to" function so that participants can listen to each others recommendations on platforms like Spotify or Audible (Optional)


Margie Iliescu image
Margie Iliescu
Agile Delivery Lead@Aginic
With a background in Scrum and team building, I love creating online workshop experiences and content that isn't boring and that helps bring some fun in to people's work days! I'm also passionate about agile ways of working and the agile mindset.
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