HMW Problem Statement Template & Workshop


'How Might We' (HMW) problem statements are used to transform challenges into opportunities for creative problem-solving and innovation. This Miro template provides an introduction to the concept of HMW, providing a collaborative workshop canvas for your team. It guides you through the process of converting problems into actionable statements, along with a structured template to facilitate their development.

When to use:

The template and accompanying workshop canvas are best used after you have completed a discovery phase where you've investigated the problems, identified the stakeholders involved, and understood their needs. It's the ideal tool to use before you and your team begin brainstorming solutions.

How to use:

Use the workshop canvas in a 60-90 minute workshop with your team to identify and prioritise problems and transform them into actionable HMW problems statements.

  • Review the research insights you've gathered and write the main problems or difficulties faced by various stakeholder groups or personas.

  • Vote on which problems to prioritise.

  • With the selected problems, create "How Might We" (HMW) problem statements using the template provided.

  • Use the HMW problem statements the team have created to guide your next steps in ideation, prototyping, and testing.


Niamh O'Hora image
Niamh O'Hora
Educational Design & Lecturer@TU Dublin Enterprise Academy
Hello 👋 I'm an educator and designer, passionate about driving innovation and fostering positive change through design. I teach on the Creative Digital Media programme at TU Dublin, Blanchardstown, with expertise in Design Thinking, User Experience and Interaction Design. As Educational Developer with the TU Dublin Enterprise Academy, I help collaboration between learners and enterprise partners through live challenges and collaborative projects.
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