Hang Those Christmas Stockings


Hang Those Christmas Stockings

Let’s keep the Christmas stocking tradition alive virtually using this simple Miro board. Wondering how? Follow along! 🎄🎅🧦

Days before Christmas, get your participants to place their stockings in the virtual room with a photo or post-it note of what gift they’d like to receive this Christmas. On Christmas Eve or during your Christmas event, go around the virtual room discovering what each person added inside their stocking and what’s the story behind it. 🎁

Steps to participate:

1. Grab a Christmas stocking of your liking from the ones available on the clothing line. They’re freshly washed and dried and are ready to be used.

2. Place your Christmas stocking over the gift-wrapping table. Find a photo of what you’d want Santa to gift you this Christmas, or if one isn’t available, write it down on a (Miro) post-it note. Place that photo or post-it note over the gift-wrapping table and place your Christmas stocking over it so it's completely hidden. Group the elements so it's easy to move them around.

3. Find a place in this virtual room to hang your socks. You could hang it above the fireplace or on the various shelves located on the walls.

Happy Christmas!


Clyde D'Souza image
Clyde D'Souza
Software Engineer and Author
Hi, I'm Clyde. I'm a software engineer based in Auckland, New Zealand. I write about various technologies, teach online classes, make videos, and I'm also the author of a children's bedtime storybook!
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