Halloween Retro 2023


Retro Purpose/Meaning

  1. This retrospective is designed for teams to have some fun with a Halloween theme.


  1. This retrospective was created with generative AI

    1. DALL-E 3 + ChatGPT-4 created the header (I know that it is misspelled)

    2. ChatGPT-4 created the retrospective questions

    3. Miro AI created the icons for each question and removed the background from those images.

Running the Retro - 5-10 minutes per section

  1. Start with the "ghosts" question to examine what haunted us during the last sprint.

  2. Move on to the "treats" question to highlight things that were full-size experiences

    1. Get those fun-sized candies out of here!

  3. Lastly, tackle the "tricks" to suggest ways that we can improve our activities

Propose Action Items and Voting

  1. Have the team propose action items

  2. Vote on the action items

  3. Select at least 1 and no more than 2 action items for the next iteration.


Fred Deichler image
Fred Deichler
Agile Coach@Independant
Leveraging the Scrum Values and Agile Principles on a daily basis to drive value and innovation.
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