Goal Settings with Mandala Chart


Goal Settings with Mandala Chart Template

Create a mandala chart in Miro to help visualize steps for project planning and skill development!!

What you can do with Mandala Chart

By utilizing the Mandala Chart Template, you can easily create a goal achievement sheet to visualize the elements necessary to achieve your goals.

How to use Mandala Chart Template

This template has all the content you need to create a mandala chart, so you can easily create a mandala chart by simply filling in the text as you go along.

What you can accomplish with Mandala Chart Template

  • Create Mandala Charts in a fraction of the time

  • Visualize and organize ideas

  • Understand the big picture of the main theme

  • Plan actions that lead to success

  • Share easily with other users

#MandalaChart #Mandalart #Mandala #Goal #GoalSettings #Planning #Teamplanning #Team #Teambuilding


Keiko Ogawa image
Keiko Ogawa
Partner Marketing Manager & Designer@Miro
Hi! I'm Keiko. I work as Field Marketing Manager and Brand Designer at Miro Tokyo Hub. I am passionate about creating inspiring experiences with colorful templates. I hope to make everyone's workstyle in fun and happy way with Miro:)                            Miroの東京オフィスでマーケティング兼ブランドデザイナーの仕事をしています。カラフルなテンプレートでひらめきやアイデアがわくような体験を生み出すのが大好きです。Miroを使うことでみなさまの日々のお仕事に楽しい彩りをそえられたら嬉しいです:)
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