Galactic Up-Skill Competency and Training



How it Works.

This self-reporting skills Matrix board encourages psychological safety and intellectual honesty and helps everyone cultivate and manage their own growth mindset and sense of agency and autonomy. It is an excellent method for upskilling and training team members and can be used as an ongoing tool as well as a workshop.

Leaders, managers, and directors should do theirs first. Leaders will likely have more 'expert' knowledge in areas than some newer, junior team members. You can then use the vertical side bars to distinguish unique areas of practice if you choose.


How it Works.

Conscious skill training and continuous improvement from a growth mindset encourage us to get better and better at our craft and practice by enriching our shared knowledge base. We want more self-managing teams that are engaged in refinement and improvement so team members feel valued, seen, and encouraged to maintain their own sense of agency in their careers. Understanding the 70/20/10 rule. 70% of our time is spent specifically on our job description and the needs of the team and organization, which are directly related to our job role description and day-to-day needs. 20% of our time is spent on things related to our job, but these may need some refinement through exposure and training by a more skilled/proficient practitioner. 10% of our time is spent shadowing or assisting leads, principals, or directors who are more skilled in the areas we've identified as needing to upskill and garner exposure to.


Thomas Wilson image
Thomas Wilson
Service Designer + Strategist@WIT Design
Experience Design Director + Service Designer and Strategist specializing in CX/EX/UX in Healthcare, Fintech, Retail and more.
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