Galactic Intake Process Board


This board assumes an opportunity has been identified and prioritized for discovery research or product/service refinement and you are ready to co-create and do a job intake workshop.

It has everything you may need to get started. This will serve as your North Star and you will always refer back to this to maintain course and stay on task.

I’ve used some version of this on hundreds of jobs. You can break this up into 2-3 sessions with stakeholders. YOU DO NOT DO THIS ALONE. Remember: Stakeholders support what they help build. Use it for Product or Service Design.

  1. Define and Map Stakeholders

  2. Exhaustive Job Intake Form

  3. Write Your Problem Statement

  4. Hypothesis Map

  5. Hypothesis Statement

  6. Determine Research Mix

  7. Discovery Research Brief

  8. Assumptions Mapping

  9. Create A Plan


Thomas Wilson image
Thomas Wilson
Service Designer + Strategist@WIT Design
Experience Design Director + Service Designer and Strategist specializing in CX/EX/UX in Healthcare, Fintech, Retail and more.
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