Lean/Agile Hypothesis/Experiment Frame


We cannot predict the future - yet we're guided to continuously improve, so how do we know what we must do to improve?

The key word is 'try' - try things out and see if things improve.

Agile and Lean guide us to regularly reflect on how to become more effective (12th Agile Principle) and Continuously Improve (Kaizen, Lean)

We cannot predict the future, so we can only believe - or hypothesise - that 'if we do this then that will improve'

So we set up experiments to try - and that's the keyword: try - and see if things improve.

This template here is a very simple frame to guide you on how to experiment and prove/disprove your hypothesis.

  • It includes an example so you can get a sense of how to write your own words.

  • Finally, at the end of the experiment's timeframe, in your next retrospective conversation (you do have those, right??!!) the team can examine whether the hypothesis was proved or disproved, and then take it from there (whether to keep the implemented action or stop doing it because nothing changed, or things got worse)

We don't do an 'Agile Transformation' - we create 'a Learning Organisation'

All the best for your Lean/Agile Journey of improvements!


Darren Thatcher image
Darren Thatcher
Enterprise and Agile Coach, Jira Lead
I'm passionate about Agile, Lean and DevOps (CALMS) and have had great success with Kanban and Scrum (and Kanban within Scrum). I enjoy the enjoyment, happiness, satisfaction and effectiveness and efficiency these mindsets and techniques bring and how they bend the work and the organisation onto the nature of the human being. I love how it relates to 'Spiral Dynamics' (Dr Don Beck) and implements 'Adaptive Intelligence to Emergent Discovery'
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