🧠 Empathy Map



An empathy map is a nifty tool used by designers, marketers, and other professionals to better understand their target audience's needs, wants, and feelings.

The map creates a visual representation of your audience's perspective, which is a super useful way to inform product development, communication strategies, and user experiences.


For who and for when?

Product Teams typically create Empathy Maps during the research and design phase in order to gather insights and develop empathy for the user.

UX Designers and Marketers use the overview to inform and validate their work. By putting ourselves in the shoes of the customer, we can better validate whether our work is meeting hte mark.


Why use this template?

  • Gets you inside your audience's head

  • A visual representation of your audience's perspective

  • Build empathy and a deeper understanding of your audience

  • Create better products and experiences that truly resonate



Credits to Dave Gray for devising the original Empathy Map 🙌.

And credits to the CNVS visual workshop toolkit for the hand drawn illustrations.


Lucie Agolini image
Lucie Agolini
Visual Experience Designer@CNVS & TMPLTS
Hi! 👋 I’m Lucie, and I’m on a mission to bring exceptional visual design and user experience to the world of workshop canvases. With over 15 years of creative problem solving, I craft elegant solutions to complex design requirements that not only look great, but are easy to use, engage participants, and achieve objectives. My goal is to create delightful experiences that get people talking, and inspire others to make the world a more visual place.
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